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Things You Need To Know About Hormone Therapy

Menopausal hormone therapy is the solution for many conditions aging women face. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a female hormone medication taken to replace estrogen the body stops making during menopause. Menopause is a stage in a woman’s life when certain hormone levels decrease and the menstrual period stops. HRT treats common menopausal symptoms including hot flashes, anxiety, fatigue, and vaginal discomfort.

Hormones naturally decline as you continue aging. However, there are certain conditions that may cause unusually low levels of sex hormones that may need treatment.

Facts About HRT.

1. HRT can relieve menopause symptoms

2. HRT’s versatility can fit anyone’s lifestyle

3. There’s no hard rule for when to start HRT.

4. HRT offers a variety of benefits

5. HRT has risks, too.

Basic types of estrogen therapy:

1. Systemic hormone therapy

2. Low-dose vaginal products

Risks of Hormone Therapy?

These risks vary depending on:

Who can benefit from hormone therapy?

If you take hormone therapy, how can you reduce risk?

1. Find the best product and delivery method
2. Minimize the amount of medication you take
3. Seek regular follow-up care
4. Make healthy lifestyle choices

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) Treatments

There are several different types of hormone treatments. For menopause and sex hormone-related conditions, many women take either estrogen, progesterone.

Hormone therapies can be taken in several ways including:

Myerlee Pharmacy has established a reputation for efficient service and effective products over the years. If you are in Fort Myers, Florida, and experiencing perimenopause or menopause, compounded Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) from Myerlee Pharmacy may benefit you. Our team custom-fills proper dosage strengths, forms, and combinations prescribed by your physician to help mitigate your specific signs and symptoms.

Myerlee Pharmacy holds a Sterile Compounding permit issued by the Florida State Board of Pharmacy complemented by an International Standard Organization (ISO) Class 7 clean-room in compliance with the USP 797 guidelines.

Call Myerlee Pharmacy at 239-482-3022 or connect with us online for support in your treatment of Hormone Replacement Therapy or for prescription needs today.